Happy Father’s Day!

Dear Papa,

Mom thinks you are the best writer in the world and should really be doing it more often… so now you have to! Because I bought you a whole year of this fancy website! I couldn’t figure out all the features… it is actually pretty involved stuff. For the domain I wanted to go with www.gabrielisthecoolestbabyever.com but mom said we should let you pick- she’s so smart.

Now this is your space to make it what you will! You can do poetry here, or short stories, or blog posts about teaching, french, travel, funny stuff, or (best of all) you could write about me! But really- make of it what you wish, it is YOUR website! Your piece of digital real estate! Woo hooo! This is sort of like buying a house right?

I love you daddy. I can’t wait to read what you write. When I can read.


P.S. This also comes with a promise to give you at least one hour of writing time per week. It is up to you to do it though! I believe in you! Carve it out! Mommy promises she won’t always try to stop you.

P.P.S If you have any intention of shirking your website duties, may I remind you that I have bested you in combat and thus you are my endentured servant. All my love, GMD (Grand Master of Destruction)